Integrative Nursing Symposium
Virtual Symposium Now Available
General Admission
$50 - limited space available
Leading Systems Change
The Fourth International Integrative Nursing Symposium was held from April 27-29, 2022. However, you may still view all Symposium presentations and earn continuing education contact hours until May 30 at 11:59 pm Central. Simply register for the Symposium, and you'll have immediate access to all presentations.
Our keynote speakers include:
Rumay Alexander, EdD, RN, FAAN: "Whole Person Leadership: Dismantling Racism Begins with Me"
Billy Rosa, PhD, MBE, ACHPN, FAANP, FAAN: "Nurses and Health Equity"
Stephen Trzeciak, MD, MPH: "Science Underlying Compassion and System Change"
Dorrie Fontaine, PhD, RN, FAAN: "Self-Care Superpowers Nurses Need to Lead Systems Change"
Teddie Potter, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP: "Planetary Health: An Integrative Approach to the Great Transition"
Lori Knutson, MHA, BSN, RN, HNB-BC: "Advancing Integrative Nursing: The Role of a Change Agent"
THANK YOU TO OUR 2022 Symposium Sponsors
Samueli Foundation
Weil Foundation
Jeannine Rivet
Greater Boston Nursing Collaborative
University of Minnesota School of Nursing